St. Paul’s has been a witness to the Norwalk
community for 260 years. The dramatic
neo-Gothic setting with its exquisite stained
glass windows, excellent acoustics and fine
E.M. Skinner tracker organ create an
atmosphere conducive to prayer, contem-
plation, and celebration.

Dignified liturgy and outstanding music
characterize our Anglo-Catholic worship.
We profess the Apostolic faith, the historic
creeds, the sacraments, Holy Scripture, and
the ordained ministry of bishops, priests, and

St. Paul’s is a diverse community. This
makes for a wonderful tapestry of worship-
ers of all ages and socio-economic and
ethnic backgrounds.

We include women, men, and children in
active roles of ministry as lectors, interces-
sors, acolytes, liturgical assistants, altar guild
and choir members.

St. Paul’s is also home to the Episcopal
Hispanic community, Iglesia Betania.

St. Paul’s is an open and affirming parish of
people seeking to worship God and serve
our fellow human beings in the love of God.

If you have not yet worshiped with us, we
hope you visit us soon. If you have visited,
please return to share our fellowship.

Whoever you are and wherever you are on
your journey of faith, there is a welcome for
you at St. Paul’s.